Our Service
The most important service we provide is listening.
What we do
There are a number of stakeholders on every project. We listen to them all, seek the best value for each, and press forward.
Project Management
Change happens, but you still have a day job to do. Let us take on the changes, while you focus on the areas where you can’t let your guard down.
Strategic Consulting
Looking at a new building or land development? Want to augment a commercial space with critical infrastructure? Facing a major technology change? Catching up with power density? We can help.
Construction Oversight
Manage design and construction phases to eliminate or mitigate risk. Need a new vendor or help managing the existing ones? MOP or SOP support with data center operations?
Facility Operations
You are the shield. The top of the spear wants moves, adds, changes. You can both coexist. We can help.